Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mail Art challenge

I LOVE mail art! It's so much fun to get a piece of decorated mail. It doesn't even matter what's inside! And it's fun to decorate envelopes too! I'm much freer with my art when it's going thru the mail. I can pull out stamps that rarely get used, and use colors I don't normally use and just go with the flow! My whimsical side seems to come out and play. Why don't you give it a try?? pull out those markers and stamps and crayons and decorate your mail. It will surely put a smile on the recipient's face!


eb said...

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this - you are sending it to me aren't you?

please - or one similar

I want to look at this...

A LOT!!!!!!!!


tee hee - but...

I am completely serious

xox - eb.

Lennea said...

Heehee! You NEVER know what may come your way in the mail!

Dymphie said...

What wonderful decorations. Love the spoon-legged lady :-)

eb said...

you know - you are absolutely correct - it is the fabulous

xox - eb.

Pilar said...

I adore this envie! What a great style you have in creating such fantastic paintings!

Sija said...

Wonderful mail art!