Woo Hoo! It's so exciting to see a couple of my pieces in the current issue of Somerset Wedding which hits the stands tomorrow. Also be sure to check out the great art and article by Alice Wingerden of Faded Rose Cottage.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I've been published!
Woo Hoo! It's so exciting to see a couple of my pieces in the current issue of Somerset Wedding which hits the stands tomorrow. Also be sure to check out the great art and article by Alice Wingerden of Faded Rose Cottage.
Win a Book
Fun with Felting

Well, I knew I would eventually succumb to this new craze in crafting and after seeing the Fabulous Rande Hansen's felting at Paper Whimsy I bought some roving, a clover tool and felting needle Mat all from Paper Whimsy. This was my first project and so much fun. I started with a quilt square and layered on cotton scraps, roving, ribbon, lace and a felted double heart and leaves that I had felted earlier. All the fabrics and fibers on the inside of the quilt were attached using only the felting needle. The trim fabric could not be felted, so I used some fabric glue to attach it along the edge. I also sprinkled on some mica flakes for a little sparkle. As I'm not much of a sewer, this project was an easy and fun way to make a little quiltie without so much as a stitch.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!!!!

Yup, today is the official " Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day"! I don't know about you, but I am very excited about any day in honor of bubble wrap. Unfortunately, I have my husband and daughter at home with the flu ( of ALL THE NERVE! To BE SICK ON BUBBLE WRAP DAY!!!) so I cannot spend the day creating with bubble wrap but I found this photo to inspire you. If you make something using bubble wrap or made out of bubble wrap please post a link here so I can visit!
grape dress by Mimi Czajka Graminski (plastic grapes and bubble wrap)
Monday, January 28, 2008
JOY banner

My finished banner from the Paper Whimsy banner collaboration. My team Had the word JOY in earth tones. I love how it looks on my mantle!
banner swap,
paper whimsy,
pendant swap
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Valentines by the Sea
Saturday, January 12, 2008

So, I've been tryin to lose weight more or less haphazardly for the past 6 years. THe only time I've lost more than 5 pounds was when I was working out with a trainer twice a week. I did aerobics for 1 hour, 6 days a week and lifted weights with my trainer twice a week. and STILL, I ONLY LOST 15 POUNDS! I mean, what's up with that. AND I was STARVING! Well, I have finally totally HAD it with being fat and sluggish. At 41, it's only going to get harder to lose weight. So I'm going to do it NOW! I've decided to to the Body for Life Challenge because it makes sense to me, I won't starve and I won't be spending half my waking hours working out. As a physical therapist, the theories behind this fat loss plan make sense to me. I've already lost 2 pounds in 3 days! Go Me!!!!
Anyway, Here is my before photo. In 24 weeks, if I'm brave, I'll actually post an after photo. ( NOT in a BIKINI, though!- no one needs to see THAT no matter how skinny I get!)
Now off to the little girl's room for the 231st time today. This plan has me drinking LOTS of water!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Banner Swap
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday
I was in a foul mood yesterday. It was one of those days where
nothing goes quite right. All little things, really, but as the day
wore on, my mood went downhill. Today, though is a new day and the
best way to lift a yucky mood is to count your blessings. Here is
what I am thankful for today!
~Deena who rescued me after I accidentally deleted one of my CCS
~a sweet friend, Chel, who gave me the "You make my day" blog award
~ A heavy frost that looked so beautiful this morning
~my furball dog who keeps me warm on the couch when I'm on the
~a neighbor's porch on a surprising warm Jan. day where I could sit
with a couple of friends and just chat
~ a child who begs to be taken to Wed. night youth group
~ another child who sings silly songs every morning ( and most
mornings they don't drive me crazy!)
~ music that soothes my soul, stirs me to tears and makes me feel
closer to Heaven
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Deena is hosting a Valentine Banner giveaway on her blog. All you have to do is post your love story on her blog. Warm your heart and visit today!
For my secret sister...

Shhhh....don't tell! I altered one of those cardboard houses with layers of ephemera, acrylics, lace, vintage pink glass glitter and more. I love how it turned out. HOpe she likes it!
altered house,
cardboard house,
shabby chic,
shabby cottage
and a couple more things...

Above are a couple more things I will have for sale ( along with those in the previous post) at my shop at Creative Call Studios. These Items will be for sale starting Jan. 10th.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Love is in the air

I know, Christmas is just barely over, but I'm already looking forward to Valentine's day. Below are a few things I've been working on.
Creative Call Studios Update on Jan. 10th.
The Shops at Creative Call Studios will be updated on Jan. 10th. The above slideshow is a preview of just a few of the wonderful items you will find in the artist's shops!
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